Kathryn Raynes CPM, RM
303 232-8212
Lakewood, CO
“Just as a woman’s heart knows how and when to pump, her lungs to inhale, and her hand to pull back from fire, so she knows when and how to give birth.” Virginia Di Orio

Care during Labor & Delivery
I will come to your house when you are in active labor or sooner if needed. Birth can look many different ways - some women want lots of hands-on support from the midwives and others rely more on their partners or want to be alone. At home you are free to move as you wish and get the support you need. My job is to help you have a safe birth. Usually this happens at home, but occasionally circumstances arise that should not be handled at home. In these cases I will refer care or facilitate transfer per our emergency plan and I will stay with you as your advocate and support you until the baby is born and nursing is established.
At your birth I will:
Monitor your vital signs: Blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respirations
Monitor your baby’s heart tones
Assess dilation and the progression of your labor
Make sure you are nourished and hydrated
Help with pain management through movement, relaxation, positions, massage, water, aromatherapy, verbal support, counter pressure, etc.
Draw and order appropriate blood work
After the baby is born, check the uterus for firmness, monitor blood loss and use appropriate measures to control hemorrhage and assess the placenta and membranes to be sure they are intact
Encourage and assist with immediate breastfeeding and bonding
Evaluate and care for any tears
Perform a complete newborn exam
Stay at least 2 hours or until mom has urinated, baby has nursed, and both are stable
Handle emergencies to the best of my ability utilizing the birth team and further help if needed
Before the midwives leave we will cook you a meal, start a load of laundry and tuck you and your baby into bed to snuggle, nurse and sleep.
Prenatal Care
Prenatal visits will be at my office and last approximately 1 hour. At each visit I will monitor your health and your baby’s health by checking your blood pressure, pulse, weight, fetal movement and growth, as well as checking in about your emotional well-being, diet and exercise. A Urinalysis is done at each prenatal visit monitoring your glucose and protein levels. You will always have time to ask questions and talk about important issues. Visits are scheduled once every 4 weeks until 28-30 weeks, every 2 weeks until 36 weeks, and then once a week until the birth.
You will also be offered several standard tests during your care such as genetic screening, glucose testing and Group B Strep, Chlamydia and Gonorrhea cultures. I will refer you for an ultrasound if needed or desired. You will be given information about each test offered and have plenty of time to discuss why it’s offered, how the specimen is obtained and its implications.
Informed choice is a focus of my care. I believe that with thorough information parents can make their own decisions that are best for their families. I will offer advice and guidance along the way. Each family is unique and this model of care respects the wide range of options availble to "tailor" your care for a safe and empowering birth.
At approximately 36 weeks your birth team will attend a prenatal at your home. We will check your supplies and review your birth plan including an emergency transport plan. The home visit gives you a chance to see us in your environment and assures that we know how to find your house when we’re not in a hurry and it’s not the middle of the night.
"Birthing at home gave me a sense of freedom and security. I felt free enough to follow my body - roaming and groaning to cope with the intensity - and peaceful enough to sing with my husband during moments of rest. Throughout the birthing process Kathryn gave me just the support I needed. She allowed my husband and I to work together without distraction, gently stepping in whenever I needed suggestions or encouragement. Throughout the entire journey - pregnancy, giving birth, and postpartum - Kathryn provided excellent wisdom, communication, and care. Knowing that I could call Kathryn with any question or concern gave me a huge sense of comfort and confidence as I waded through the unknown of having a baby. And when we ran into breastfeeding difficulties early on, Kathryn's postpartum visits proved a tremendous blessing. My husband and I are so glad we were able to have our precious baby in the comfort of our home under the care of an incredible midwife." Kate

Postpartum Care
We come to your house and the first postpartum visit is usually within 24-36 hours of your baby's birth. Normal postpartum visits are generally scheduled for day 3, day 7, 2 weeks, 4 weeks and again for a final 6-week check-up at the office. We will schedule extra visits if necessary. You get all the support you need to feel confident nursing and caring for your newborn.

"Kathryn Raynes was my mid-wife throughout both of my pregnancies and I highly recommend her to anyone considering a home birth. Kathryn is very proficient at what she does and is calm under pressure. There were slight issues with each of my deliveries but Kathryn and her team were able to access the problem, make adjustments and enable me to have two healthy babies at home without causing any additional distress or discomfort. Having a home birth is so personal and intimate; I feel very blessed to have found Kathryn and am thankful that she gave me such wonderful experiences. I would trust her with any situation and will most definitely hire her again if the opportunity arises."
--Michelle Luiz, LAc MSTOM

Climbing into a tub of warm water can be very soothing during labor. Water allows you to move freeley and relax completely between rushes. I am happy to support labor and birth in water if you desire. I have a couple different tubs available for clients in my practice.
You can have a HBAC!!!! (Home Birth After Cesarean) The hospital cesarean-section rates just keep climbing and many women who’ve already had a cesarean-section are denied even the chance to labor with the next pregnancy. The World Health Organization states that the safest rate of cesarean-sections for both mother and baby is 10-15%. The US rate is over 30%!
I’m happy to discuss your options if you’ve had a previous cesarean-section and I have helped many women acheive a VBAC at home.
"Water allows the mother to move, to take all the pressure off her back and legs and get into a physiological position to allow the baby to do its work. A thousand hands are holding her up." Barbara Harper

The apprenticeship model is the only way to become a direct-entry midwife. I am currently a supervisor to one student with the possibility of adding or changing students anytime. I enjoy teaching and I am confident the students I choose to take on are as deeply committed to the midwifery model of care as I am.
If you allow, students will be a part of you care. Their level of involvement depends upon where they are in their training. My students and I are very grateful for your assistance in training new midwives. Giving a student feedback is a true gift to the student. We value your experience and it is always your choice to have or not have a student as part of your care.

Denver Midwife